True Launch Bar Press Center
Welcome to our Press Center. Whether you're a senior editor at a national computer magazine, or are planning your first article for your local PC user's group, this is the place to be.
True Launch Bar
True Launch Bar is a utility that helps you strike the delicate balance between the comfort and integrity of your system. It is an extension to MS Windows file management that harnesses the system and gives you the reins. What’s more, it helps spruce up the system’s standard looks with new attractive skins and a range of customizable features. True Launch Bar works wonders with your system, putting things in order, and adding polish to its looks.
Marketing Graphics & Materials
This package contain True Launch Bar logo and screenshots: Download
Downloadable Evaluation Version
You can download the evaluation version from the page below. This gets you a 30-day evaluation, just like your readers would get - we offer this free to anyone. As a reviewer, we will send you a complimentary registration key, so that you can continue to use True Launch Bar past the 30 day limit - it's a courtesy that we extend to the press.
Obtaining A Registration Key
We offer registration keys to enable you to access all features without limits. Please send a request for a key to and explain that you're in the process of reviewing True Launch Bar- mention the publication please. This offer is good for all forms of media - Newspapers, Magazines, Radio Shows, TV Shows, Web-Based Magazines, etc.
Contact us
Please feel free to get in touch with us, should you need any clarifications or any assistance.