System requirement:
True Launch Bar can be installed on Windows Vista / 7 / 8 / 10
Developed by TORDEX - Software For You

True Launch Bar skins specification


Skin description

The section [General] describes the skin itself


Skins elements descriptions


Each section can contains some values (<value name> = <value>). The order of values is not important.

BgType (required)
Type of the element background. Can be the ImageFile or Fill.

ImageFile=<bitmap file name> (required for BgType=ImageFile)
The file name that contains the item appearance in vary states. Images must be tiled vertically and bitmap must contain 5 images for the following states:

  1. normal
  2. over (active/selected)
  3. down
  4. opened active
  5. opened inactive

    Note: For caption section you must make bitmap with only image and specify the ImageCount=1

ImageCount=<number(greater the 0)> (optional)
Number of images in the bitmap. Ordinary value is 5. But for TopMenuScroller, BottomMenuScroller and Caption this value must to be 1.

Transparent (optional)
Can be True or False. If you set Transparent into True You must include TransparentColor value. Transparent value used only if BgType=ImageFile

TransparentColor=<RGBValue> (optional)
This value allow you to set the transparent color of the background image. Transparent value used only if BgType=ImageFile.

SizingMargins (optional)
SizingMargins = left, right, top, bottom
This value allow you to specify the margins used for scaling the background image. Set this value if your background image have borders that must not strached.

ContentMargins (optional)
ContentMargins = left, right, top, bottom
This value allow you to specify the margins for content of skin elements. TLB draws icons and text using this margins. You can set this margins if you cannot the TLB draw something on the background borders. For chevron button you must set this value to specify the size of chevron button

TextColor (optional)
TextColor = RGB normal, RGB over, RGB open active, RGB open inactive
The text color in all states. For the chevron you can ommit this value. For captions set only one color value

FillType (optional)
May be: Solid, GradientVert, GradientHorz
Defines the fill type for BgType=Fill

FillColor, FillColor2 (optional)
FillColor = RGB normal, RGB over, RGB open active, RGB open inactive
FillColor2 = RGB normal, RGB over, RGB open active, RGB open inactive
The colors for filling. The FillColor2 used for gradient filling.

Image# (optional)
Draw the image inside element. Replace the # sign with number from 1 to the number of addition images to draw. Format of value:
Image1 = <bitmap file>, <images count>, Transparent(<False or RGB value>), X, Y
The X and Y can be numbers to draw in absolute coordinates or in format:

[Separators] section

This section defines skins for separators. The values

Format of values:
<Value Name> = <bitmap file>, <size of separator>, <top/left sizing margin> <bottom/right sizing margin>,Transparent(<False or RGB value>)

Horz = sephorz.bmp, 6, 0 0, Transparent(false)
Vert = sepvert.bmp, 6, 0 0, Transparent(0xFF00FF)
Menu = sepmenu.bmp, 8, 1 1, Transparent(false)                    

[Columns separator] section

This section describes the separator between the menu columns. The values for this section are:

Image = <file name> 

the image file for separator. Use the PNG format for transparency.

SizingMargins (optional)
SizingMargins = left, right, top, bottom 

This value allow you to specify the margins used for scaling the separator image. Set this value if your background image have borders that must not be strached.

color1 and color2
color1 = RGB value 

The colors for the separator. Two lines color1 - the left line and color2 - the right line.

[MenuShape] section

This section is used when autoShape value in the [general] section is False. Use the transparent PNG for this section. The transparent parts will be cut off.

Values for this section:

Image = <file name> 

the image file for menu shape.

SizingMargins (optional)
SizingMargins = left, right, top, bottom 

This value allow you to specify the margins used for scaling the menu shape image. Set this value if your background image have borders that must not be strached.

Additional values for [Menu] and [MenuWithCaption] section

These two sections can have additional value:

AttachMargins = left, right, top, bottom

Use these margins if your skin have a transparent borders (for example the shadow) to move the menu's attach points.

Some notes for skins designers

The size of buttons and menu items are defined by True Launch Bar itself. So you must keep in mind that all bitmaps can be stretched. Use SizingMargins values to keep borders of bitmaps unstretched.

Use system colors

Since version 6.6.7 True Launch Bar supports the system colors. Just use one of the COLOR_* constants described on this page as the RGB value.

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