Network Monitor skins specification
The new skin format is supported by Net Monitor v3.0 and newer.
The skin is the the INI-file with the skin description, netmonskin.xml with the skin definition and the set of images used in the skin. The images must be in the PNG format. This is possible to use the alpha channel (transparency) in the images. The INI file must be named netmonskin.ini. All files must be placed into the single folder.
INI file contain the section in the square brackets and the values:
valueName = value
Section [description]
This section contains the skin description:
SkinName = a-la ReGet Delux
Author = Tordex
email =
Sections values:
- SkinName - the name of the skin
- Author - author name
- URL - author's website (optional)
- email - author's email (optional)
netmonskin.xml is the XML file (XML Schema file). It defines the appearance of the skin.
Parameters for netmonskin.xml
INLOAD - inbound bandwidth usage.
Can be used in elements: text, charts (with INLOAD_FREE), histograms (set max into 100)
OUTLOAD - outbound bandwidth usage.
Can be used in elements: text, charts (with INLOAD_FREE), histograms (set max into 100)
LOAD - inbound/outbound bandwidth use.
Can be used in elements: text, charts (with INLOAD_FREE), histograms (set max into 100)
INLOAD_FREE, OUTLOAD_FREE, LOAD_FREE - is calculated from parameters without _FREE postfix as: 100 - param.
Can be used as the second value in the charts.
SOMESENT - 0 if nothing sent and 1 if something were sent.
Use this parameter as mod for images
SOMERECEIVED - 0 if nothing sent and 1 if something were sent.
Use this parameter as mod for images
INSPEED - download speed
OUTSPEED - upload speed
BANDWIDTH - connection (link) speed
RECEIVED - total bytes received
SEND - total bytes sent
TIME - connection uptime
SPEED - bytes received and setn per second
IP - IPv4 address
NAME - connection name
TYPE - connection type
Can be one of the folowing:
- 0 - unknown
- 1 - Ethernet
- 2 - SLIP/PPP
- 3 - Wireless (WiFi)
STATUS - connection status
Can be one of the folowing:
- 0 - NON_OPERATIONAL. Valid for LAN Interfaces. Means the card is not working or not plugged in or has no address.
- 1 - UNREACHABLE. Valid for WAN Interfaces. Means the remote site is not reachable at this time.
- 2 - DISCONNECTED. Valid for WAN Interfaces. Means the remote site is not connected at this time.
- 3 - CONNECTING. Valid for WAN Interfaces. Means a connection attempt has been initiated to the remote site.
- 4 - CONNECTED. Valid for WAN Interfaces. Means the remote site is connected.
- 5 - OPERATIONAL. Valid for LAN Interfaces. Means the card is plugged in and working.
This parameter can be used as mod for images.
USERCHOICE# - the parameters the user selected in the properties (# is the value from 1 to 12).
These parameters are the units for the parameters without _U postfix. You can use these parameters as the text and as the mod for images. Possible mod values:
- 1 - Bytes
- 2 - KB
- 3 - MB
- 4 - GB
- 5 - TB
- 6 - Bytes/second
- 7 - KBytes/second
- 8 - MBytes/second
- 9 - GBytes/second
- 10 - bits per second
- 11 - Kbps
- 12 - Mbps
- 13 - Gbps
- 14 - Percent (%)
Old Skin format
The skin is the the INI-file with the skin settings and the set of images used in the skin. The images must be in the PNG format. This is possible to use the alpha channel (transparency) in the images. The INI file must be named netmonskin.ini. All files must be placed into the single folder.
INI file contain the section in the square brackets and the values:
valueName = value
Section [description]
This section contains the skin description:
SkinName = a-la ReGet Delux
Author = Tordex
email =
Sections values:
- SkinName - the name of the skin
- Author - author name
- URL - author's website (optional)
- email - author's email (optional)
Section [general]
Section values:
- background - file name for the skin background (PNG format)
Sections [diagram#]
You can define up to 6 diagram sections [diagram1]...[diagram6]. Every section defined the diagrams for the connection. Section values:
- type - defines the diagram type. Can be one of the following values:
- Light - light with two states on/off.
- VertRow - vertical row diagram
- HorzRow - horizontal row
- History - the histogram
- picture - the PNG file name for the diagram
- field - the data field for the diagram. Can be one of the following:
- INLOAD - inbound connection bandwidth use
- OUTLOAD - outbound connection bandwidth use
- LOAD - inbound/outbound bandwidth use
- SOMESENT - used for Light diagrams to indicate that something was sent
- SOMERECEIVED - used for Light diagrams to indicate that something was received
- INSPEED - inbound traffic
- OUTSPEED - outbound traffic
- pos = x y - the position of the diagram
- size = width height - defines the width and height of the diagram
- color = red green blue - color of the diagram. red, green and blue are numeric values in the range 0...255.
- filltype - the fill type for the diagram. Can be one of the following:
- solid - fill with the solid color (color value is used)
- line - line for histograms (color value is used)
- picture - fill with the picture (picture value is used)
- beginFrom - can be right, left bottom or top. Defines the side where new values appears in the histograms
- valuesFrom - can be right, left bottom or top. Defines the side of the zero value
- tile - 1 to tile the picture, 0 to stretch the picture
- TopSizeMargin - the top sizing margin of the picture
- BottomSizeMargin - the bottom sizing margin of the picture
- LeftSizeMargin - the left sizing margin of the picture
- RightSizeMargin - the right sizing margin of the picture
Section [DataSlot#]
The [DataSlot#] section defines the text values. You can define up to 10 data slots. Section values:
- field - the data field:
- BANDWIDTH - connection speed
- RECEIVED - bytes received
- SEND - bytes sent
- TIME - time on line
- INSPEED - bytes received per second
- OUTSPEED - bytes sent per second
- SPEED - bytes received and setn per second
- INLOAD - inbound traffic utilization
- OUTLOAD - outbound traffic utilization
- LOAD - network utilization
- IP - connection IP address
- USERCHOICE - user selected value
- font - font name
- bold - 1 for bold text 0 for normal
- italic - 1 for italic text 0 for normal
- align - the text horizontal alignment:
- left - left alignment
- right - right alignment
- center - center alignment
- pos = x y - the position of the text
- size = width height - defines the width and height of the text
- color = red green blue - color of the text. red, green and blue are numeric values in the range 0...255.
pos = x y - the position of the diagramsize = width height - defines the width and height of the diagramcolor = red green blue - color of the diagram. red, green and blue are numeric values in the range 0...255.