Weather Forecast
version 6.7

Weather Forecast plugin shows the current weather conditions and conditions for up 10 days. It is very easy to select the city for weather and easy to configure. Plugin supports skins.
Weather forecast is provided by Yahoo! Weather.
Download «Weather Forecast»
Updates history
.:: version 6.7 ::.
January 12 2019
- Updated for the latest Yahoo Weather API changes
.:: version 6.6 ::.
September 16 2017
- Fixed: incorrect link opened on clicking the weather button
.:: version 6.5 ::.
November 19 2016
- Updated for the latest Yahoo Weather API changes
- Updated location ID searching
.:: version 6.4 ::.
April 03 2016
- Fixed: stop updating weather forecast in some cases
.:: version 6.3 ::.
March 27 2016
- Added Yahoo OAuth2 authorization support
- Fixed: Incorrect pressure value
.:: version 6.1 ::.
January 12 2014
- Removed button margins.
- Redesigned popup tips for weather forecast.
- Templates for popup tips are moved to files (folder tips). Now users can change these files.
.:: version 6.0 ::.
April 24 2013
- Added "feel like" temperature into the tooltips.
- Fixed: Invalid distance units in the skins.
- Fixed: Changing units or language require menu reload.
- Prepared for localization.
- Some minor changes.
.:: version 5.2 ::.
November 27 2011
- Fixed: Invalid pressure value
- Fixed: Invalid values precisionĀ on some systems
.:: version 5.1 ::.
November 25 2011
- Fixed: Menu skin resets to the default after close the properties dialog box
- Fixed: Pressure and Visibility are always 0 on some systems
.:: version 5.0 ::.
November 19 2011
- Switched to the Yahoo! Weather weather forecast provider
- Changed the skins format
- Some minor changes