version 3.0

UpTime plugin is designed to show the Windows up time. UpTime supports skins.
Skins specification
Skins must be located in the sub folder named skins in the installation folder. Each skin must have own folder. The skin file must have name UpTimeSkin.ini. Format of UpTimeSkin.ini:
[options] name=<name of skin> author=<author of skin> email=<email of author> url=<url of author> [general] UTDigit = <file name of picture with digits> background = <file name of the background picture with seconds> backgroundSml = <file name of the background picture without seconds> DigitPoint0 = <x of day> <y of day> DigitPoint1 = <x of hours> <y of hours> DigitPoint2 = <x of minutes> <y of minutes> DigitPoint3 = <x of seconds> <y of seconds>
Pictures must be in PNG format. Alpha channel is supported.