Net Monitor
version 4.0

Net Monitor supports all types of connections including LAN and WiFi. Net Monitor supports skins.
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Updates history
.:: version 4.0 ::.
November 15 2016
- Added bits-based unit formats for download/upload speed
- Added auto conversion on changing custom bandwidth limit units
- Updated for the latest TLB plugins engine
- Some minor changes
.:: version 3.1 ::.
May 13 2014
- Fixed: cracked text on Windows XP and Windows 7 with classic theme
- Fixed: Gbps is shown as Bbps
- Added: Show the connection status window on connection click (Windows Vista/7/8 only). Clear the option "Run command on click" in the properties to activate this feature.
.:: version 3.0 ::.
May 12 2014
- Added: support for new skins format
- Added: support for flexible skins
- Added: reorder connections
- Added: fixed units for speed
- Added: units for custom bandwidth limits
- Added: more information in popup tips
- Added: combined 32 and 64 bit installer
- Fixed: Sent and Received values are reset after 4GB