Color Picker
version 2.1

Color Picker shows the magnified image around the mouse cursor and the hex and/or decimal color under the cursor. Also you can use hotkey to copy selected color into the clipboard.
Download «Color Picker»
Updates history
.:: version 2.1 ::.
April 02 2011
- The show/hide plugin hotkey is not saved after restart
.:: version 2.0 ::.
March 29 2011
- Added compatibility with Windows Vista/7
- Added options to change the preview image size
- Added show/hide plugin hotkey
- Added crosshair as option
- Added sound notify on copy color into the clipboard
- Prepared for localization
- Added option for the text position
- Added option for update speed
- Some minor improvements
.:: version 1.1 ::.
August 09 2006
- Fixed: Web color format is incorrect